My Little Rainbow Story

There is a rainbow after the storm.
There is a rainbow behind every dark clouds.
And a rainbow after the rain..

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And some of us say or believe that there is a pot of gold at the end of it :p

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And to spoil that belief a little bit :p A meany greedy leprechaun is guarding the pot of gold.

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Or he doesnt look as er mean and greedy as described by other storytellers. If he was as adorable as that picture above, he might be generously giving all of those gold coins to the needy or anyone who finds it. :p
If he truly existed, alongside the pot of gold :)

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If I lived a thousand miles away from where I am now, that's where I want to be... Suburbs.
Away from the bustlin hustlin city noise. :)

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If I could paint my life with all 7 colors of it, Id be living in technicolor world. 
My lips in blue, indigo heart, green eyes, yellow skin, red hair, orange nails, purple kisses :p haha! Fun aint it?

And I'd be singing rainbow paradise, all day all night.....! la la la la
No more lonely faces, no more dark haze
Only technicolor, masking bad brain odor
Color Rapunzel's boring blond to bright red, and pink lips turn to green 
How odd that would seem, but never boring :p

Hood day everyone! :)) SMILES

*****We found Love <3 <3
